Embrace all of who you are.
What do i DO?
I’m here to help you to own your entire being-ness. To learn how to dance with the multitude of qualities and energies you hold.
To find power in parts that may have felt shameful or dark. To find truth in aspects that feel edgy, raw, primal. To find solace in the places that transmute love & tenderness.
What I offer
A 3-month intimate container
Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a naturalistic form of healing that will help you learn how to settle and release physiological activation from your body.
I offer various in-person immersive workshops as well as virtual group offerings.
Please contact me here if you are interested in collaborating on learning more.

I’m Akansha Agrawal:
I’m a somatic practitioner, facilitator, sensitive soul, and a mother. I believe that when we have a deeper understanding of who we truly are, we are able to experience more meaning and joy in our lives. We are able to create what we were truly meant to do rather than what was expected of us.
I believe in the wisdom of slowing down and tuning into our bodies to find what messages we’ve been missing all along. I believe in connecting to innate desires that we’ve suppressed and ridiculed. I believe we all have a connection to creative energy and unique expression to bring to this world.