A 3-month immersive group program with Akansha Agrawal

The next round will start soon!

There are certain life initiations that leave you with a choice:

Do I stay on the same path, seeking safety & comfort?

Or do I allow myself to go down

Into the depths of uncertainty

To birth anew?

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This is for the woman…

  • Who is willing to walk into the darkness, into the unknown to find her medicine and sacred truth

  • Who will no longer squeeze, contract, or shut down parts of herself in her creative process and life

  • Who wants to work with her innate knowing and body intelligence as she brings life to her creations

Embody Your Story: A journey for creatives, seekers, coaches/healers, and leaders carving their own paths while embodying their deepest truth and expression every step of the way.

The next round starts soon! Join the waitlist for the updates // early bird benefits

Own Your Story is designed to help you tap into your true essence and so you can bring more clarity, freedom, and pure divine pleasure in your life. It’s a place for you to return home to yourself, align with your truth, and unleash your authentic voice into your business, brand, and beyond.

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Because you're living by your truth when you're sharing those stories that are deep within you…

You will…

  • Feel more fulfillment, nourishment, and peace.

  • Embody a fierce energy that has strong clear desires and boundaries

  • Connect to a higher frequency of devotion and intuition in your work

  • Become more clear and confident in your decisions

  • No longer be phased by what “others” are doing

  • Bring forth your unique medicine in this world

Embody your story cycles through 3 phases:

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The art of storytelling engages both the left and right side of our brains, which makes stories oh-so-satisfying and powerful. Our rational minds often think in stories, which makes them so easy to digest when others share their own stories. Not to mention that stories are 22x more memorable than facts! Storytelling is such a simple and effective way to engage the intellect and connect with others on a human-to-human level.

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Though there is a linear aspect to stories, oftentimes stories touch a deeper truth that cannot be explained through words and rational thinking alone. There is a deep, visceral, and emotional layer to stories that is expressed and felt through sensations, tone, movement, and the pure embodiment of our truths. There’s an energetic level of owning your story that is so transformative in the process.

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When we own our stories, I believe we are healing and witnessing our soul’s past, present, and future. We are speaking and honoring our ancestors, while also creating space for future generations to create a new path. When we share and own our stories, it can heal a whole lineage.

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Embody Your Story is rooted in…

  • Feminine Embodiment

  • Nervous System Awareness/Attunement

  • Personal and archetypal storytelling

  • Nature, Spirit, and the human experience


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The next round starts soon! Join the waitlist for updates.


In the first act of our journey together, you will practice embodying your true authentic self on a daily basis. This is a practice of slowing down and truly listening to your intuition through sensation, movement. writing, and more.

You will uncover your soul’s essence, your non-negotiable truths, and your personal powers. Finally, you will start to shed old stories that no longer serve your Truth to create space for new aligned stories.


The second act is all about returning home to yourself to CREATE. We will go into the cyclical nature of your story, and other energetic tools to guide you in birthing new creations.

We will dive deep into the Heroine’s Journey and the other story structures to support you in writing your story.


The last and final act is when you share and tell your story. We will untangle what it means to show up and how to do it effectively. We will learn to work with the nervous system to find safety when there is resistance or fear in sharing.

Finally, we close this journey with group story shares where you will share your “final” story/piece for this immersion with the rest of the students in Own Your Story.

*Although there is a framework with content and homework each week, this is subject to change. I’m in service to teaching what is TRUE in the moment. So I speak to my own stories, what is happening in the world, where I sense the group is at with the material, and more.*



  • A transformative 3-month journey that brings you closer to your truth

  • 9 75-minute live group sessions

  • 3 60-min creative brainstorming calls

  • Private Facebook community for questions and support

  • Workbooks and recorded modules to guide you in the process of Owning Your Story

  • An intimate coaching container with other women



“Who I am at my core has been recovered by the beautiful and perceptive coaching of Akansha. I went from looking at external strategy and 'others' to coming back home to my experiences, knowledge, and strengths. I used to believe that I needed a push to get my ideas and work done. I felt unseen and unheard by others. I had low self-belief and downplayed all of my past wins.

All of this has dramatically changed by working with my body rather than staying only in my head. Akansha has been able to guide me back to my essence, my intuition so I could find the answers inside of me. I rediscovered a strong, clear, innate self-trust through this work.

I have never felt better in my work as a creative and more successful. I have a near 100% booking rate, raised my prices, changed my workflow and processes, and now even hiring as I keep growing. I did this while on vacation for 2 months, simply by listening to me and the guidance of Akansha.

I thank her so much and urge anyone who needs to come back home to themselves to work with Akansha, you will NEVER regret it.” —Megan Oxley, Photographer

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  • Personalized feedback on the stories you share

  • Guided meditations and visualizations

  • Embodiment practices (with a special playlist!)

  • Peer calls and reviews

  • ...And a lot more goodness :)


  • You are a creative, truth-seeker, leader, visionary, or change-maker willing to look deep into your own stories to stand out and make a bigger impact in either your business, brand, or community.

  • You are sick and tired of cookie-cutter tactics that don’t address your personal truth, your background, culture, and your true desires.

  • If you want to not only share more unforgettable stories, but also feel the truth and resonance of your story in your bones.

  • You know deep down that your voice and story has power to change and impact the lives of others.


“OYS is for you if you are looking to heal yourself, own your stories, and truly tap into them and stand in your worth as a human, a woman, especially as a woman of color. Our stories follow us everywhere. For me, I struggled with showing up online for years - it didn’t feel authentic and it didn’t feel good to show up in the typical hustle mode akin to the coaching and e-commerce industry.

OYS helped me dig deep psychosomatically and heal and own the parts of myself I still wasn’t willing to stand in. Akansha’s style is gentle, kind, pragmatic, and still very matter-of-fact. She held a ton of space for me to unravel and feel the emotions that surfaced when stepping into my self-expression.

Thanks to this incredible soul and her mentorship, I was able to let go of my impostor syndrome, further align energetically, and write and show up online and in real life from a place of deep self-trust. I met some incredible women in this program who are now not just my soul sisters, but they are also my clients.

I hit my first 10K month in biz ever by the end of her program by selling out my very first mastermind from an embodied space and quiet confidence. Your leaders should always challenge you to rise and evolve while helping you stay true to your essence — fully embodied leadership. AK, a million times, thank you! I will forever be a fan of OYS and recommend this to every woman I know.” —Tania Moraes-Vaz, CEO of Creative Agency Warrior Life Creative Co.

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Hi! I'm Akansha, an embodiment and storytelling coach - as well as the creator of the South Asian Sisterhood, and The Healthy Indian Food Cookbook. I’m in service to Truth, body wisdom, and the Feminine. I weave in those energies as I guide women to embrace their voices, step into their power, and share their stories with confidence.

It was my own journey that sparked this deep devotion that fuels my fire every day.

When I began my journey of owning my story and Truth, I found it extremely challenging. I felt like the new kid on the block, looking up at what the popular kids were doing in awe, as I constantly tried to keep up. 

When it came to my business, I followed the masculine bro-marketing frameworks and listened to the “gurus” for advice. And no matter how hard I tried to make it stick, none of it vibed with me.

After a lot of searching externally, it finally hit me one day: the answers were tucked inside me all along. I was ignoring my own story and truth when it was actually my superpower. 

The truth is: it didn’t feel safe or welcomed to be fully *me*.  The true me who is deeply sensitive, intuitive, spiritual, feminine, and so much more.

My journey of owning my story has been a process of removing layers and excess “baggage” that didn’t serve my authentic truth. I took the time to recognize what I value (and what I don’t), what success looks like to me, what legacy I actually want to leave in this world.

 I’ve noticed that when I am *truly* connected to who I am, I am able to co-create with the Universe to create magical creations which include...

The Healthy Indian Food Cookbook  - a beautiful book that my mother and I co-authored that has touched hundreds of lives.

The South Asian Sisterhood - a community of South Asian women and femmes who desire to heal collectively, unlearn status quos so they can become embodied leaders who carve a new path.

My beautiful life - filled with love, desire, and connection.

And now: Own Your Story. One of my proudest creations that tie in so many beautiful teachings and modalities. I truly believe this program leads to powerful change.

I created this to not only to honor my most authentic self, but to also honor yours.

It’s your time to shine. When you own your story, you give permission to others — you show what is possible when you listen to your own truth. This is what creates generational change. This is what it feels like to leave a legacy.

The next round starts soon. Please join the waitlist for updates // early bird benefits



I don’t have a ton of extra time on my hands. How long will this course take me?

You’ll want to dedicate at least 2-3 hours/week. I find that once students are energetically committed to owning their stories, the time commitment that follows is seamless. It’s more about intention than “hours worked” in this program.

I’m a natural storyteller (dancer, writer, speaker) - can this program still help me?

YES. Because this program is so much more than the act (aka the “doing”) of storytelling. It’s so much about living your story (aka the “becoming”) and stepping into your deeper expression and truth. I love working with other storytellers!

What if I can’t attend a session live? Will there be replays?

All sessions are recorded if you are unable to attend live. You can also get support in the FB group for any questions you may have after watching the replays!

Do you offer refunds?

No, there are no refunds for this program.

Who is this program for?

Truthfully, anyone who is in service to owning their truth in their creations. We all have stories to tell in this world. But, specifically, there’s immense value in this program for:

  1. Coaches/Consultants/Healers

  2. Creatives (Writers, Dancers, Photographers, etc.)

  3. Community leaders & facilitators

  4. Entrepreneurs 

  5. Speakers/Presenters

How is this different from a copywriting course?

This is so so different from a copywriting course. In fact, I will hardly spend time teaching you rules and formulas for persuasive copy. Unlike a copywriting course, Own Your Story focuses on helping you become the most confident, powerful version of yourself FIRST before we even worry about the words.

Okay, I’m in! What happens when I sign up?

A full-on dance party to celebrate, of course! But after that, you’ll receive an email with details on call times, the FB group link, and instructions on how to create your account on Podia where all the modules/trainings will be hosted.

I don’t have a business, is this for me?

You do not need a business to find value in OYS. What is more important is your desire to lead, share, and speak your truth to make an impact in your community, brand or beyond.

Will we go over certain platforms (Instagram, email, podcasts) in this program?

Own Your Story doesn’t specifically focus on blanket, all-encompassing strategies for specific platforms. However, I may provide custom advice/support on how you can repurpose your stories (whether it be on social media, podcasts, websites, speaking gigs) if it feels supportive to your journey.

Will you offer this program again?

Short answer: probably! Long answer: I never launch the same exact thing twice, so it is 100% going to be different next time. I don’t know what will change (length, price, topics, energy). If you are being drawn to this now, I would trust that pull.