A free masterclass on the feminine cycles of creation

On the outside, it may seem like you’ve “dropped” out…

But really, you are just blossoming into the sweetest version of yourself.

The pressure to be productive, consistent, and always moving “up”

What if we let it all go for a moment?

And fully surrendered to that voice inside of you

Join us for REBIRTH

Tuesday, Nov 28th | 11 AM PST / 2PM EST on Zoom

This masterclass will cover how to:

  • Honor natural creation cycles to prevent burnout and overwhelm

  • Learn to trust your intuition with ease 

  • Tap into your feminine power in your everyday life 

  • Let go of rigidity and stagnation in your creative process

  • Redefine the next chapter of your so that it is aligned with your greater truth

This next chapter is the death of one thing. But the birth of something else.

What’s coming out on the other side for you?


Akansha Agrawal is a somatic coach, group facilitator, and mother. She is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in training at the Advanced level and an Embodied Feminine Power coach under the mentorship of Blaire Lindsay.

She is interested in exploring the multitudes that we hold, the paradoxes that lie within us, and the core essences underneath the personas we present.

Join us for REBIRTH

Tuesday, Nov 28th | 11 AM PST / 2PM EST on Zoom